Breaking the Cycle: Understanding and Healing from Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational transmission is the passing down of characteristics, behaviors, and traits from parents to children. This can include how we interact with others, the mental health struggles we face, and even aspects of our personality. Just like poor eyesight can be inherited, so can certain behavioral patterns.
Holistic Approaches to Healing from Betrayal Trauma
Betrayal trauma can be deeply distressing, affecting individuals on emotional, psychological, and even physical levels. Individuals seeking healing from betrayal trauma can explore holistic approaches that encompass mind, body, and spirit. This article covers key strategies and resources available to support this healing journey.
Security Within: How Our Sense of Self Influences Our Relationships
Exploring the link between inner security and relationship security through attachment theory and boundaries.
Full Disclosure: Getting the Truth
The need for truth is fundamental to healing from a wound like betrayal. If partners healing from betrayal want to rebuild trust in your relationship, it must start from a foundation of honesty.
Grief and Loss
Grief can show up after any loss we face. It is a part of the human experience and often comes in waves and stages.
Unlock Healing: Releasing Trauma from the Body
The body doesn’t discriminate between a physical trauma and an emotional trauma. It will hold onto the pain regardless.
When Family Time Drives You Crazy
Dreading an upcoming family get-together? Here are some healthy ways to navigate and cope during inevitable family difficulties.
When Self-Soothing Turns to Self-Sabotaging
Have you ever thought, “Why can't I control myself?” What was once a way to calm your pain and emotions is no longer working.
Befriending Your Nervous System: How to Help Yourself Regulate
Dysregulation occurs in varying levels of intensity and for many different reasons. When you can track and map your nervous system, you become more able to intervene with your own body and emotions.
When Trauma Manifests as Addiction
If trauma is left unhealed, unprocessed, and even ignored, the pain finds a way to manifest. In fact, our trauma wounding has the potential to become re-enacted through patterns of addiction, including sex addiction and process addiction. Fortunately, there is hope for healing.
Your Physical Reactions Through the Lens of Polyvagal Theory
It can be difficult to make sense of our bodies and their reactions. The way we feel does not always align with how we think we should feel, and we oftentimes we end up stuck in discomfort. This is not an uncommon experience. Thankfully, we can make sense of these reactions through Polyvagal Theory, and work our way back towards a restful state.
The Impact of Developmental Trauma on Attachment
Do you feel “crazy” or “needy” for wanting to be closer to a friend with whom you already have a strong foundation? Or, do you feel frustrated due to another’s “unreasonably high” expectations on you and your time? Luckily, attachment theory can provide some insight into your relational needs.
Unpacking Complex Trauma. What it looks like, How it Develops, and Ways to Heal.
Complex trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, from attachment trauma to compounding low intensity incidences. To heal, you have to find the treatment path that works best for you.