
Infidelity Recovery

Infidelity has a devastating effect on relationships.

This is because emotional safety and trust are the foundation of a secure bond. When a betrayal occurs, this security is shattered, leading couples to question the relationship and its ability to survive.

Our team of licensed therapists specializes in helping individuals and couples navigate the complexities of betrayal trauma and infidelity. Our goal is to walk with couples to repair the foundation safety & trust and find healing and hope for the future.

Infidelity can include emotional and physical “cheating”, internet affairs, pornography addiction, and sexual deception.


While the impact is profound, there is hope for healing from betrayal. Rebuilding trust is challenging but possible. Many couples move forward to create a fulfilling relationship with restored trust, love, authentic connection and intimacy.


In treating infidelity, we provide a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere which balances acceptance and support of both partners with necessary accountability. To stabilize the crisis, the betraying partner must first learn to take responsibility, convey transparency, and start to display trust-building behaviors. The betraying partner may also benefit from an empathy workshop. The betrayed spouse must be open to working toward recognizing meaningful repair attempts, processing wounds, and exploring couple dynamics. Betrayed partners may also benefit from a betrayal recovery group.

If you're ready to take steps towards healing and recovery, we invite you to reach out and schedule a free consultation.

Specialist Spotlight

If you are struggling after betrayal in your relationship, our team of betrayal and infidelity specialists are here for you.

Consider working with Kelsi, Kirstin, or Emily to find clarity after betrayal.

Our therapists specializes in healing broken trust and helping couples and individuals build new secure bonds in their relationships.

Blogs on Infidelity

When a betrayal occurs, the foundational agreements of trustworthiness, commitment, & emotional safety are harmed or destroyed. Both parties often feel disconnected, overwhelmed and insecure.

“I promise, that’s all. There’s no more.”

Do these words sound familiar to you? The need for truth is fundamental to healing from a wound like betrayal. If either of you wants to rebuild trust in your relationship, it must start from a foundation of honesty. 

We’re all familiar with it…the dreaded “F” word. The one that can feel elusive, threatening, confusing, or even straight up revolting to those who know betrayal. Considering a word such as forgiveness can cause us to recoil in disdain when we’ve been hurt & our trust has been shattered.

More Resources


For Betrayed Partners

Betrayal is a form of complex trauma &, when left untreated, can lead to PTSD. This trauma must be attended to before the individual or couple can consider moving toward grieving, forgiveness, or rebuilding trust.

Women’s Betrayal Trauma Group

The first step in healing from betrayal trauma is to develop a community of support who truly understands your pain.

Help Her Heal Empathy Workshop

This workshop is for men to learn to help their partner heal from betrayal.

Let’s work together.