Trauma Healing: Harnessing EMDR Therapy
Trauma, an intricate web of experiences, leaves profound imprints on the psyche. Enter EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows. Its essence lies in unraveling the tangled threads of trauma, gently guiding individuals toward healing.
Security Within: How Our Sense of Self Influences Our Relationships
Exploring the link between inner security and relationship security through attachment theory and boundaries.
Letter to a Recovering People Pleaser
Trying to break the habit of “people-pleasing”? It’s time to release the weight of always putting other peoples’ needs above your own.
When Family Time Drives You Crazy
Dreading an upcoming family get-together? Here are some healthy ways to navigate and cope during inevitable family difficulties.
Setting Boundaries in Early Addiction Recovery
Recovery takes effort and intentionality. With the right tools, support, and dedication in place, you can provide yourself with the safety net that is needed to find stability.
A Recipe for Resentment: What is Resentment and What Do We Do With It?
Resentment poisons our relationship with self, others, and the world at large. But what is resentment really? The formula I’ve come up with for resentment includes anger, blame, and secrecy over time. Let’s discuss some ways that we can combat resentment, freeing up our energy, our heart, and our relationships.
Enmeshment and How to Set Clear Boundaries
Enmeshment is the blurring of boundaries that separate your thoughts, feelings, and responsibilities from someone else’s. Imagine you are standing in a hula hoop with your partner. If they move, your space is affected. Now apply this idea to a real life situation - maybe your partner has had a bad day and now, because you are enmeshed, you take ownership for their bad mood. Thankfully, you can move into healthy differentiation by setting clear emotional boundaries in your relationship. In doing so, both parties' separate thoughts, feelings, and responsibilities are honored.
5 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries
Setting boundaries in relationships can be uncomfortable, but incredibly rewarding. Follow these five steps to establish healthy boundaries.