Rebuilding Self-Trust After Betrayal
Self-trust is the confidence in one’s own judgment, abilities, and intuition. It allows us to navigate life authentically, making choices aligned with our values. However, betrayal can shake this foundation, leading to intense reflection on our relationships—with ourselves and others.
Breaking the Cycle: Understanding and Healing from Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational transmission is the passing down of characteristics, behaviors, and traits from parents to children. This can include how we interact with others, the mental health struggles we face, and even aspects of our personality. Just like poor eyesight can be inherited, so can certain behavioral patterns.
The Do’s & Don’ts of Supporting a Loved One with Betrayal Trauma
This article can serve as a guide for how to best support your loved one as they navigate through the very difficult and complex emotional experience of betrayal recovery.
Forgiveness After Betrayal
If you have been betrayed, the thought of forgiving your betrayer may seem undesirable and even impossible. So, why would you consider forgiveness at all and where do you start?